William, who is second in line to the throne, gains access to the interest and other income accrued on the$ 13 million he was left by his mother, who died in a Paris car crash in1997. 1997年,戴安娜王妃在巴黎的一次车祸中丧生。英国王位第二继承人威廉王子现在可以支配母亲留给他的1300万美元的遗产所产生的利息和其它收益。
In case the taxpayer fails to do so, the tax organ may recover the payable tax of the enterprise from its other income items within the territory of China which ought to be paid by the payer. 纳税人未依法缴纳的,税务机关可以从该纳税人在中国境内其他收入项目的支付人应付的款项中,追缴该纳税人的应纳税款。
The wages, salaries or other legitimate income earned by the foreign staff and workers of contractual joint ventures, after the payment of the individual income tax according to law, may be remitted abroad. 合作企业的外籍职工的工资收入和其他合法收入,依法缴纳个人所得税后,可以汇往国外。
To get a credit card, you must fill out a form that requires you to tell about your salary and other income. 你要办一张信用卡,需要填写一张表格,写明你的薪金和其他收入。
That is to say, other income depends on my ability? 那就是说赚多少要看我的能力了?
Income from interest, dividends, bonuses and other income shall be taxed on the amount received in each payment. 利息、股息、红利所得和其它所得,按每次收入额纳税。
We deduct each other from income tax. 报税的时候,总不忘把对方扣除。
He gets a number of perquisites, over and above his salary. Wages and other related income are taxable at graduated rates and are also subject to withholding tax. 除了薪水外,他还有一些额外收入。工资及其他有关收入都要按等级税率纳税,而且也要从薪金工资中预扣。
Infation and unemployment grew in the1970s, and government spending on social welfare increased with the introduction of National Superannuation in1976 and a range of other income support measures. 在20世纪70年代,通货膨胀扩大,失业率增长,政府通过在1976年推行国家退休金制度以及一系列其他收入支持措施,加大了在社会福利上的投入。
Excess of actual other income over estimated 其他实际收入超过估计额
Income from production and business operations and other income shall include income sources both within and outside the People'sRepublic of China. 企业的生产、经营所得和其他所得,包括来源于中国境内、境外的所得。
Members of the liquidating committee may not abuse their authorities by accepting bribes or receiving other illegal income, and may not misappropriate company assets. 清算组成员不得利用职权收受贿赂或者其他非法收入,不得侵占公司财产。
Arguing that these schemes have met with little success in the past, the Bank report advises governments to treat remittances like other private income. 世行报告论证说这种方式在过去的成功率很低,报告建议政府把汇款与其他私人收入同等对待。
The budget as a proportion of the size of the economy is only two-thirds that of other middle income countries, and half that of European Union. 中国预算在其整体经济规模中所占比重仅相当于其他中等收入国家的三分之二、相当于欧盟(EU)的二分之一。
Answer: the origin of endowment insurance fund includes the endowment insurance cost of unit and insurant pay; the bank deposit accrual of endowment insurance fund; fund income; fine for delaying payment; local finance allocates funds; the society is donated; other income. 答:养老保险基金的来源包括单位和被保险人缴纳的养老保险费;养老保险基金的银行存款利息;基金收益;滞纳金;地方财政拨款;社会捐赠;其他收入。
Income from production and business operations and other income derived by the branches within or outside China of an enterprise with foreign investment shall be consolidated by the head office for purposes of the payment of income tax. 外商投资企业在中国境内或者境外分支机构的生产、经营所得和其他所得,由总机构汇总缴纳所得税。
Taobao does not disclose its revenues from fees charged to retailers and other income. 淘宝并没有公布来自零售商的收费的总收入和其它的收入。
It is a company that has elected to pass on any losses it makes to its shareholders, who can offset the losses against their other personal income, effectively reducing their income for tax purposes. 在这一框架下,公司成立时选择将其任何亏损转嫁到公司股东,由股东将亏损与他们的其它收入相抵以达到减少纳税额的目的。
United States is taking the path of development of Disney-style: animated film, relying on open market, thereby derivative product development, royalties and other income received. 美国走的则是迪斯尼式的发展道路:依靠动画电影打开市场,从而通过衍生产品开发、版权费用等获得收益。
Some big artists, such as Robbie Williams, did sell to a record company a participation in other income outside records, but again it was not them providing the services, merely sharing the income. 一些知名艺人,例如罗比威廉姆斯(robbiewilliams),确实会向唱片公司出售唱片以外部分收入的分享权,但是同样不是由它们提供这些服务,它们只是分享收益而已。
But for this to occur, the United States and other high income countries have to manage their economic policy well – and so do developing countries. 但为做到这一点,美国和其它高收入国家必须妥善奉行其经济政策,发展中国家也是一样。
However, unlike general partners, the limited partners are subject to certain limitations on their ability to utilize partnership losses to offset other income. 然而,与普通合伙人不同的是,有限合伙人利用合伙企业的损失抵消其他收入的能力受到一定限制。
Income from remuneration for personal services, royalties, interest, dividends, bonuses and the lease of property and other income shall be taxed at a flat rate of20 percent. 劳务报酬所得,特许权使用费所得,利息、股息、红利所得,财产租赁所得和其它所得,适用比例税率,税率为百分之二十。
Whereas, there is no clear definition of what is the hidden income of civil servants, but it does more harm than other hidden income. 公务员灰色收入的概念在理论上和法律上还没有一个明确的界定,但其产生的社会危害相比其他灰色收入更大。
Working out the quality of Chinese earnings depends on the universe of stocks examined and whether other income, such as that of affiliates, is included. 判断中国收益的质量,取决于股票的考察范围,以及是否将其它收入(如关联企业的收入)计算在内。
The methods mainly adopted for obtaining bank credits are falsified income, making use of related party transaction, control timing of recording in accounts and other income being classified as sales revenues. 「向银行贷款」动机下的手段主要有虚构收入、利用关联交易、会计入账期间之控制及其它收入改列主营业务收入;
At present, Yanbian state government non tax revenue is administrative career sex collects fees, government funds, operational income of state-owned capital, state-owned resource ( asset) is paid use income, special income, confiscated income and other income. 目前,延边州政府非税收入有行政事业性收费、政府性基金、国有资本经营收益、国有资源(资产)有偿使用收入、专项收入、罚没收入和其他收入。
The treatment-seeking rate in four weeks of different income groups has increased. The rate of low-income group was 31.72%, significantly higher than other income groups. 不同收入人群四周就诊率都有所提高,2008年低收入组人群四周就诊率为31.72%,明显高于其他收入组人群。
Compared with other income, farmers can not get economic compensation as so much from the compensation of ecological protection of cultivated land, but it is of great significance for them. 在有耕地生态保护补偿时,与其他收入相比较,农户能从中得到的经济补偿可能不多,但这对于他们却有很大意义。
This is different with other income of the government, such as the sale of public property or issuing bonds, etc. Tax is for the welfare of the entire taxpayers. 这一点与政府的其他收入大不相同,如出售公共财产或发行公债等等。